Advice Disclaimer

No Financial Advice

Grow SMSF does not provide financial advice

All information contained on this website is provided as an information service only and, therefore, does not constitute, and should not be relied upon as, financial product advice. None of the information provided takes into account your personal objectives, financial situation or needs, and you will need to make your own decision about how to proceed.

Alternatively, for financial product advice that takes account of your particular objectives, financial situation or needs, you should consider seeking financial advice from an Australian Financial Services licensee before making a financial decision. If you would like a referral to a licensed financial adviser, please contact us and we can arrange a referral.

Financial Products

Grow SMSF does not recommend any financial products

Grow SMSF Pty Ltd does not hold an Australian Financial Services Licence (AFSL), nor is our company, nor are any of our employees or directors authorised representatives of an AFSL. We do not provide financial product advice or recommend any financial products explicitly or impliedly. 

From time to time, Grow SMSF may produce information or content about specific financial products or services that enable access to specific financial products; however, we do not recommend, endorse or confirm as suitable any financial product or service featured on the Grow SMSF website or social media assets. 

This condition applies explicitly to any financial product where Grow SMSF provides services at a discount or preferential fee due to using those products, services or accounts. It’s not compulsory to utilise a specific account, platform or service provider to be a client of Grow SMSF; however, the types of accounts, investments and service providers you use for your SMSF will determine the quantum of work involved in completing your annual compliance work and therefore the fees your SMSF is charged.

Where Grow SMSF provides information about a financial product or service supported by or integrated with Grow SMSF, the information is factual only about the operation of the account, platform or service and how data or reporting information is made available to us. Any information is not intended to influence your decision to use that product. 

Before deciding on any financial product for your SMSF,  you should obtain a Product Disclosure Statement (PDS) and/or Target Market Determination (TMD) relating to that product and consider the PDS before making any decision. As financial product and solution providers are frequently making changes to their products and services, Grow SMSF cannot accept any responsibility for any outdated or inaccurate information provided on this website or via social media assets.

You should also consider seeking advice from a licensed financial adviser before deciding on a financial product. This includes cash products provided by the likes of Macquarie, ANZ and any other financial institution.  

SMSF Bank Accounts

Macquarie Cash Management Account

An SMSF must have a bank account to receive deposits including rollovers and contributions and to pay expenses, taxes and payments to members. When submitting your SMSF setup order you may instruct Grow SMSF to refer you to Macquarie to enable a Macquarie Cash Management Account (CMA) to be set up. By providing this instruction to Grow SMSF you are confirming that you’ve made the decision to establish a Macquarie CMA for your SMSF and are requesting Grow SMSF provide administrative assistance to set up the account.

It is not compulsory to set up and use the Macquarie CMA to use the services of Grow SMSF. You can use an alternate bank account for your SMSF however this may impact the quantum of work involved in administering your SMSF and also impact the administration fees your SMSF will pay. 

Macquarie provides read-only access to Grow SMSF which includes the ability for Grow SMSF to download statements for the independent auditors of the SMSF as well as electronic data feeds of transactions into our specialist accounting software. Grow SMSF does not have any transactional authority on any client accounts.

Grow SMSF does not receive any commissions, financial or non-financial benefits from Macquarie. Your approval is integral for the establishment of the Macquarie CMA. Grow SMSF does not arrange this financial product on your behalf and only performs routine administrative functions to assist you to complete the online application forms and sending them electronically to Macquarie. You may view and download the relevant product information regarding the Macquarie CMA from the Macquarie website:


Grow SMSF supports SMSF customers who choose an ANZ V2 PLUS account for their SMSF.

Grow SMSF does not receive any commissions or financial or non-financial benefits from ANZ. Your permission is integral for establishing a new ANZ V2 PLUS account or for Grow SMSF to be added as the approved third party on an existing account. Grow SMSF does not arrange this financial product on your behalf. We only perform routine administrative functions to assist you in completing the application forms or authority forms and sending them electronically to ANZ upon your specific instruction.

The following ANZ disclosure documents are available for you to view and download:

Product Terms and Conditions (PDF)

ANZ Personal Banking & General Fees & Charges PDF

ANZ Financial Services Guide – Financial Services Guide (PDF)

You may also view and download the relevant product information regarding the ANZ V2 PLUS account from the ANZ website:

ANZ V2 PLUS Product Page

ANZ – Ways to Bank

ANZ – Online Access

ANZ Financial Services Guide

SMSF Brokerage Account

Selfwealth Account

An SMSF may choose to open a trading account to enable the purchase of shares, stocks and ETFs. When submitting your SMSF setup order you may instruct Grow SMSF to refer you to Selfwealth to enable a trading account to be set up. You acknowledge and accept that although you may be referred to Selfwealth, Grow SMSF is not recommending you invest in any specific financial product or class of financial products available via the Selfwealth platform.

It is not compulsory to set up and use Selfwealth to use the services of Grow SMSF. You can use an alternative trading account for your SMSF however this may impact the quantum of work involved in administering your SMSF and also impact the fees your SMSF will pay. 

Grow SMSF does not receive any commissions, financial or non-financial benefits from Selfwealth even when Grow pre-fills the trading account application on your behalf. Any referral codes used are for tracking purposes only and you may choose to use any referral code or no referral code when setting up a trading account with Selfwealth. 

Grow SMSF does not arrange or apply for the Selfwealth account on your behalf and will only assist with the pre-filling of your Selfwealth trading account applicatoon from your explicit instructions using the information we have on file about you and your SMSF. You are required to approve the application before an account is established for your SMSF.

You can view information regarding Selfwealth’s platform from their website:

SMSF Cryptocurrency Account

During your SMSF account application, you may authorise Grow to share details of your SMSF with either Swyftx or Digital Surge

An SMSF may choose to open a trading account to enable the purchase of cryptocurrency and other digital assets. When submitting your SMSF setup order, you may instruct Grow SMSF to share details of your SMSF with either Swyftx or Digital Surge to assist you in establishing an SMSF account (or sub-account) with either platform. 

You acknowledge and accept that although you have the option of using the services of these providers, Grow SMSF does not recommend investing in any specific asset available via those platforms. The provision of the option to use these platforms for your SMSF does not constitute a recommendation to invest in cryptocurrency or an endorsement of any strategy involving investment in cryptocurrency or any other digital assets.

In addition, to enable your SMSF to invest via any platform mentioned above, you and all other members of your SMSF must first register and be verified as individual account holders on those platforms. Grow SMSF provides assistance to ensure an account is correctly registered in the name of your SMSF for compliance purposes only.

It is not compulsory to use the abovementioned platforms to use Grow SMSF’s services. You can use an alternative trading account for your SMSF however this may impact the quantum of work involved in administering your SMSF and also impact the fees your SMSF will pay. 

Grow SMSF will not be held liable for any losses incurred from any investment activities undertaken on the abovementioned platforms. This includes losses via trading activities, hacks, counter-party issues, fraud, technical issues, bank transfer blocks, debanking of the platform by their banking provider or any other market or operational event that causes you or your SMSF to lose money. 

When submitting your SMSF setup order you may instruct Grow SMSF to refer you to Digital Surge to enable a cryptocurrency exchange account to be set up.

By providing this instruction to Grow SMSF you are confirming that you’ve made the decision to utilise Digital Surge for your SMSF and are requesting Grow SMSF provide a referral to Digital Surge. You acknowledge and accept that although you may be referred to Digital Surge, Grow SMSF is not recommending you use the Digital Surge platform or invest in any specific cryptocurrency or digital asset available via the Digital Surge platform.

It is not compulsory to set up and use Digital Surge to use the services of Grow SMSF. You can use an alternative cryptocurrency exchange account for your SMSF however this may impact the quantum of work involved in administering your SMSF and also impact the fees your SMSF will pay for administration. Similarly, you may also utilise external hardware wallets (cold storage) for any cryptocurrency investments held by your SMSF. Additional fees may apply when external wallets are used. 

Grow SMSF may receive a commission from Digital Surge when our referral code is used. Refer to the Affiliate Terms from Digital Surge for further information. Where Grow SMSF receives a commission from Digital Surge this amount will be paid or rebated back to your SMSF (less any applicable GST). Digital Surge may also apply the commission earned as a rebate directly to your account with them. You may choose to use any referral code or no referral code when setting up an exchange account with Digital Surge. 

Grow SMSF does not arrange or apply for the Digital Surge account on your behalf and will only provide you with the information needed to open an account yourself from your request. You can view information regarding Digital Surge’s platform from their website:

New SMSF - Terms of Service

Before you submit an SMSF order with Grow SMSF you acknowledge and accept all of the following Terms of Service:

  1. You wish to establish a Self-Managed Super Fund (SMSF) via this ‘Execution only service’; and
  2. You are instructing Grow SMSF to implement your instructions in regard to the establishment of an SMSF; and
  3. You acknowledge that Grow SMSF and its employees/directors are not licensed to provide advice on the establishment of an SMSF; you have not sought personal financial advice on this matter from Grow SMSF or its employees/directors; and
  4. You should consider taking advice from an AFS licensee before making a decision about a setting up an SMSF or any financial product; and
  5. You acknowledge that when providing this ‘Execution only service’ Grow SMSF and its employees/directors are assisting you to obtain the documents and complete the registrations necessary to establish an SMSF on your behalf only; and
  6. You confirm that Grow SMSF or its employees/directors have not influenced your decision to establish an SMSF; and
  7. Any information provided by Grow SMSF through any method (including but not limited to website content, blog posts, social media posts, videos, seminars, phone or in-person conversations) prior to you completing this request is factual information only and does not constitute financial product advice; and
  8. You acknowledge that establishing an SMSF via this form does not take into account your personal objectives, financial situation or needs; and you have independently determined that establishing an SMSF is appropriate for your particular circumstances; and
  9. You agree to indemnify, defend and hold harmless Grow SMSF and its partners, officers, directors, agents, contractors, licensors, service providers, subcontractors, suppliers, interns and employees, harmless from any claim or demand, including reasonable solicitors/attorneys’ fees, made by any third party due to or arising out of your breach of these Terms of Service or the documents they incorporate by reference or your violation of any law or the rights of a third party; and
  10. You confirm that Grow SMSF and our partners, officers, directors, agents, contractors, licensors, service providers, subcontractors, suppliers, interns and employees will not be held liable for any losses suffered as a result of establishing an SMSF through this service; and
  11. You acknowledge that any setup fees paid to Grow SMSF are non-refundable once the setup process has commenced; and
  12. You confirm to appoint Grow SMSF as the tax agent, SMSF administrator and where applicable ASIC registered agent for your SMSF and accept Grow’s Terms & Conditions relating to this appointment; and
  13. You acknowledge that before continuing the SMSF setup order form, you have visited the external resources below.

External resources: 

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Copyright © 2025 by Grow SMSF Pty Ltd. All rights reserved.
Registered Agent Number 26057627.

General Information Warning & Disclaimer

All information contained on this website is provided as an information service only and, therefore, does not constitute, and should not be relied upon as, financial product advice. None of the information provided takes into account your personal objectives, financial situation or needs, and you will need to make your own decision about how to proceed. Alternatively, for financial product advice that takes account of your particular objectives, financial situation or needs, you should consider seeking financial advice from an Australian Financial Services licensee before making a financial decision.

Grow SMSF does not hold an Australian Financial Services Licence (AFSL) and we are not authorised representatives of a AFSL. We do not provide financial product advice or recommend any financial products either expressly or implied.

From time to time Grow SMSF may produce information or content about specific financial products or services that enable access to specific financial products however we do not recommend, endorse or confirm as suitable any financial product or service featured on the Grow SMSF website or social media assets. This condition specifically applies to any financial product where Grow SMSF provides services at a discounted or preferential fee due to the use of those products, services or accounts. It’s not compulsory to utilise a specific account or service provider to be a client of Grow SMSF however the types of accounts, investments and service providers you use for your SMSF will determine the fees your SMSF is charged.

Where Grow SMSF provides information in relation to a financial product or service supported by or integrated with Grow SMSF the information is factual information only about the operation of the account or service and how data or reporting information is made available to us. Before making a decision on any financial product for your SMSF you should obtain a Product Disclosure Statement (PDS) relating to that product and consider the PDS before making any decision. As financial product and solution providers are frequently making changes to their products and services Grow SMSF cannot accept any responsibility for any outdated or inaccurate information provided on this website or via social media assets.

Grow SMSF Gold Coast based accountants looking after SMSF trustees from around Australia. Liability limited by a Scheme approved under Professional Standards Legislation.